Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ouch my toe.

Ouch! My toe!

Those stupid walmart carts! I'm used to the Super-Walmart carts and how wide they are so today I'm walking with a 'regular' Walmart cart and kicked the nut and bolt on the right wheel. My yelled out, "Son of a Biscut", you know cause I cant cuss around the kids. So, I thought that was it, I just kicked it. Went on with my business of getting some shoes for Peyton, I forgot his at home and we were going to the park. I looked down and see my toe is SUPER bloody and isnt stopping. I saw an employee and asked for a bandaid and an cleansing wipe. She brings me back two bandaids and sais they are out of wipes, I think that the Safety person needs to restock the kit. So, I bandaid it up and off I go. I just got home and looked at it, I literally split it down the middle of the tip of my pinky toe. I've got it all cleaned up now and bandaided up. But man! Those carts are dangerous.

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