Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Rock Up The Nose

Rock Up The Nose

Yesterday Jordan and Jordan, yup two Jordan's mine and a daycare girl, were playing outside and filling their pockets up with "pretty" rocks from the play area. Well, that afternoon during what was supposed to be "quiet" time my Jordan started FREAKING out. I was all, what?! He informed me that he had a rock stuck up his nose. Totally jaw dropping moment here! Fortunately, he was able to blow his nose and it came out. I informed him that rocks were to stay on the ground and notup his nose. The whole time I kept thinking, I have to get this out because I dont want him to have bad breath like I did when I was a kid and stuck a piece of tissue up my nose.

Cart over the toes.

Why is it when your at the store with the kids and you try to keep the oldest in line and he is doing oh so good and then the inevidable will happen? Poor kid, yup, Jordan again, was walking where I told him to and I went to turn right into a lane for check out and that is when it happened. I ran over his toes with the cart. They are a little black and blue but no broken, whew, thank goodness!

Temper Tantrums and Jealousy

Peyton has got to be the KING of the temper tantrum. If he doesnt get his way he will throw the biggest and loudest temper tantrum as if making sure that the nieghbor's on the next street, or county, over can hear him. He will throw himself back and even if his cracks his head he wont stop. I tell you he must have come by this on his own. Couldnt be that he is so strong willed, like me or anything. And boy is he ever jealous. Whether it is his brother or my little Sophie I babysit he doesnt like anyone but him to sit with me. At times I'm honored but others it is annoying because this leads to the inevidable temper tantrum. They say it gets better, but I dont know....

1 comment:

Chelle Sorenson said...

Sounds like your boys keep you as interested a Mine do. Too funny.