Monday, January 26, 2009

How time flies and I havent posted in a while.

Well, well, well. Havent been on here in a while to update ya.

Let's start with the first and foremost important thing! Michael is back to work! Yeah! After four long and agonizing long months of unemployment God has blessed us and he is back to work. We managed to stay afloat, barely, but afloat.

The only bad part about him going back to work is that he will be working out of town. And in order for him to travel with his company we had to purchase a new, well new to us, travel trailer. It is super clean and super nice. Now we just have to calm Jordan down about "not getting to sleep in it". LOL He is so worried. But this weekend he will. We are headed to see Michael, going cold turkey after having him to ourselves for 4 months is hard.

Jordan is doing good. He loves school still, so that is awesome! I think he has developed his first crush. Her nam is Chelsie and he is so kind and gentle with her. I was watching him with her the other day and he was holding her hand and gently stroking it. It is cute, but he is not allowed a girlfriend until he is 16. Michael feels that is a bit drastic, but I dont. I wasnt allowed a bf before then and I find it perfectly okay.

Peyton is growing like a weed. He wasnt eating breakfast and only wanted chocolate milk. So, I started giving him Carnation instant breakfast to get more nutrients in him and boom, he gained 4 pounds in a month. Yeah! Then I started to be concerned about his vocabulary skills, or lack of, so I called the child developement center and I kid you not. The day after he started talking up a storm and saying so many words. Also, Jordan is his own personal speach therapist. LOL I will hear them in the playroom with Jordan telling Peyton, Say, "Thanks, No, Knock, Hello, Train..." and Peyton totally repeats after him. It has been wonderful to hear him talk.

Me, I'm at FTD.COM still and am ready to not be. It has been nice to have that cash to help pay bills but now that it is the slow time I get to work and 10, 20, 30 minutes later they are wanting to send me home. Why bother coming in, really! Cost more in gas to get there than I made. But, I have made a new friend. Her name is Tammy and she is one the kindest and nicest women I have ever met. So, work does have it's benifits. ;)

Took the kids to church the other day for the first time in, oh, 2.5 years. I know, I'm shocked, too! The kids did really well! They sat and played quietly on the floor and colored. Then Peyton went to nursery easily, he was quiet and shy the whole time but never cried. Jordan went into primary and he totally loved it. They sang the Hello song to him and he stood at the front all smiles. Then when I picked him up he had a paper they worked on in class and told me he had to keep it and carried it everywhere with him. I think we will go back every so often.

So, that is our life in a nut shell right now. So, now the moment you all have been waiting for... PICTURES! LOL

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